Istanbul-Turkey: +905395991206 - Amman-Jordan: +962785666966 - London (UK): +447481362802

Online Courses

Achieving Strategy Through Leadership: Strategy & Innovation, Leadership, Influence & Trust - Creating Professional Strategies, Strategic Planning, Development & Implementation, Leading Through Strategic Planning & Innovation: Developing Deliverable Strategies, Leadership Best Practices: Enhancing Leadership for Peak Performance, Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance, Smart Leadership: Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation, Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking, The Manager as a Strategic Leader, Effective Time Management, Planning & Organizing Tasks, Management Skills and Techniques, Goal Setting, Planning & Decision Making, The Leadership Journey: Communication, Innovation & Vision, Strategic Planning: Communication, Measurement & Implementation, Leadership Excellence in Handling Crisis & Stress, Crisis Management & Leading Under Pressure, Advanced High Performance Leadership, Leading with Confidence: Managing and Building Confidence through Communications, Task Leadership Skills, Advanced Task Management Skills, Advanced Strategic Management, Leadership, Innovation & Enterprise Skills, The Complete Course in Leadership & Management, Certificate in Leadership & Management Excellence, The Complete Course on Management & Leadership, Decisions, Dynamics & Leadership Styles, Effective ...

Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.

Istanbul Office (Turkey) +905395991206

London (UK) +447481362802

Amman (Jordan) +962785666966